About HPE

The History & Political Economy Project brings together a network of historically minded scholars whose research examines how neoliberalism has been developed, implemented, and contested around the world. With the goal of producing historical scholarship that is strategically useful for addressing the challenges of social-political transformation in the present, we seek to use the tools of historical inquiry to counter rising inequality, economic dislocation, and political alienation. HPE therefore supports new research, fosters connections among scholars working in different temporal and geographic contexts, and draws lessons for contemporary efforts to challenge the hegemony of neoliberal ideas and modes of governance.


HPE’s work is led by co-directors Christy Thornton and Quinn Slobodian, with the support of Postdoctoral Fellow Andrew Anastasi and Graduate Fellow Conrad Jacober. You can see more about our leadership team and our entire advisory board here.


HPE undertakes a range of activities, including hosting workshops, sponsoring fellowships and research grants, and making existing research that is published in languages other than English or hidden behind paywalls more accessible. You can learn more about our activities here.