Activities > Publications and Translations > Translations
HPE funds the translation into English of works in other languages that will propel our collective research forward. In partnership with Verso Books, we have supported the following translations. Please contact us with additional suggestions or proposals.
Matthias Schmelzer
Freedom for Capital, Not People: The Mont Pèlerin Society and the Origins of the Neoliberal Monetary Order
Translated by Joshua Rahtz
Verso Books, June 2025
German original published 2010
Pierre Dardot, Haud Guéguen, Christian Laval, and Pierre Sauvêtre
The Choice of Civil War: Neoliberal Strategy and the Politics of the Enemy
Verso Books, January 2026
French original published 2021
Rudolf Hilferding
Finance Capital: A Study of the Latest Phase of Capitalist Development
Translated by Joshua Rahtz
Verso Books, August 2026
German original published 1919